Learning Objectives

Deafverse’s learning objectives align with transition milestones and can be used in transition planning, including IEP planning and pre-employment transition services.

World 1: Duel of the Bots focuses on strengthening self-determination skills and preparedness for life after high school. These learning objectives align with the self-advocacy category of pre-employment transition services.
Players will be able to:
- Identify accommodation options for postsecondary environments
- Evaluate different communication strategies across a range of settings
- Align accommodations with personal communication preferences
- Understand options for accessibility of emergency alerts
- Identify assistive technology options for communication access
- Initiate choices based on personal preferences and interests
- Apply strategies for advocating for greater access across a range of settings
- Evaluate options for responding to social challenges
- Apply strategies for working with interpreters in the classroom
- Understand the responsibility shift in requesting accommodations from high school to college

World Two: Revenge of the Deep focuses on vital skills needed to navigate the workplace. These learning objectives align with the workplace readiness category of pre-employment transition services.
Players will be able to:
- Identify strategies for disclosing deafness in the workplace.
- Evaluate options for requesting accommodations in the workplace.
- Demonstrate understanding of marketable skills that improve success during the job search process.
- Understand the role of a resume and cover letter in the job search process.
- Evaluate job responsibilities to make informed decisions about desired positions.
- Explore potential accommodations that can be used on the job.
- Demonstrate effective communication skills and teamwork strategies on the job.
- Apply strategies for navigating communication barriers and resolving conflicts.
- Initiate choices that demonstrate good time management skills.
- Select successful strategies for participating in job interviews.
- Demonstrate techniques for maintaining positive behavior and professional attitude on the job.