Vocational Rehabilitation
Many vocational rehabilitation counselors have used Deafverse with deaf youth during transition planning. Learn more today about how your colleagues are using Deafverse in transition planning!
Getting Started with Deafverse for Vocational Rehabilitation
Deafverse, an accessible online game for deaf youth, can be a part of transition planning for deaf youth, and meets Pre-Employment Transition Services criteria. This game is based on Choose-Your-Own-Adventure games, which offer a safe environment to apply critical thinking skills while engaging in problem-based learning by testing a variety of responses to challenges and conflicts.
Deafverse is designed to strengthen self-determination skills in deaf youth, as an important part of transition planning. Did you know that we also have an ASL-accessible assessment of self-determination? Visit NDC’s self-determination page now to learn more.
Revenge of the Deep emphasizes workplace readiness skills by guiding players through the job search process. Players are asked to choose a job to apply for, identify marketable skills, prepare a resume, advocate for accommodations during the interview and on the job, and more!
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Additional Resources to Use for VR Professionals & Pre-ETS Providers!

Each World in Deafverse comes packaged with additional tools that can be used in vocational rehabilitation settings, including workbooks for players and curriculum guides for teachers or VR counselors.
Students can download Player Strategy Guides, which asks players to apply what they learned while playing Deafverse. These interactive workbooks ask players to answer questions about their lives, connect with people in their communities, and identify strategies that are a good fit for their goals.
Vocational rehabilitation counselors can download Teacher Strategy Guides for tips on using Deafverse when working with deaf youth. While these Guides are designed for teachers, they are still useful for general transition planning. The Guide includes learning objectives for each World and sample activities that can be used for transition planning, along with key vocabulary terms. You can also review a chapter-by-chapter summary of the stories in Deafverse.
Our video gallery is also available to view real-life stories shared by deaf people. These stories offer practical tips and discussion points to share with deaf youth.
Other NDC Resources
National Deaf Center has many other resources that may be helpful to your work. Check out these resources today!